Scarlett Joe Hansen Shaves Her Head For Our Site… Well sorta. This Scarlett Joe Hansen dead ringer shaved her head for our site. Alexis, aka SJ wanted to cut her hair for cash, but was very afraid for the result. We gave her two options, option one was simpler styles, or extreme cuts/bald. We obviously offered more money for the second offer, and she accepted. We gave her fate to one of our members to decide, should we be surprised they chose for her to get her head shaved? She also agreed to keep her brows, and she begged, and so we let her keep them. She did get her head shaved though, and we carried her to get wig. Ironically she didn’t keep the wig long, and rocks the bald. She has kept it bald for months now, even going to a local barbershop. Why you may ask? Because She Rocks It! This one is sure to be a new all time favorite for many, it was for us. NOW SHOWING!